Nerts, the Keflavik airport makes you pay for internet. And at just seven in the morning there is not much going on. And the transit area for US passengers going to the UK is just a small area of the airport and doesn't have all that much in the way of interesting stuff to see. It does have a fair number of signs in Icelandic, which is a crazy looking language. The restroom with a baby change table is called Smabarnahlynning. I cannot believe that I am in Iceland! it is only quarter after 11 Pacific time, but it is after seven in the morning here!
It was neat coming in. You could see the lights of Reykjavik off in the distance, and there was a full moon lighting up the water. It was pretty neat. The flight was good. I have decided that I like Icelandair, and will certainly consider them next time I fly across the "pond".
I just paid for some postcards and a little Icelandic flag with a combination of Euros and US dollars, and received Icelandic Kronar as change! Now I have....five currencies in my wallet. Crazy!
Airports are strange places. All sorts of people going all sorts of places from all sorts of places all on all sorts of schedules. Sitting here now, it seems like it should be late at night for me, but then the staff think it is just a decent time in the morning, and for others it is really early. So strange. These are just random ramblings of a tired person getting back into the travelling mind.
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